Financial Knowledge Kit

Edward Weston


1. Interest

The banker's son asks his father, “Dad, all the money in the bank belongs to customers and depositors. How do you earn your house, your Mercedes Benz and your yacht?” Banker says, “son, there is a piece of fat meat in the fridge. Bring it over.” The son brings it. “Put it back.” The son asks, “What do you mean?” The banker says, “Do you see oil on your fingers?”

2. Investment Bank

A green hand in an investment bank asks, “What is an investment bank?” The elder takes some rotten fruits and asks him, “How are you going to sell these fruits?” The green hand thinks it over for a long time and says, “I'll sell them at a discount price according to the market price.” The elder shakes his head, picks up a fruit knife, peels and cuts the rotten fruit into pieces, and makes a beautiful fruit plate: “Just like this, sell it at dozens times of the price.”

3. Sales

A boy says to a girl, “ I'm the best, I promise to make you happy, please be my girlfriend.” This is selling. The boy says to the girl, “My father has three houses, marry me, it will be yours in the future.” This is promotion. The boy doesn’t express himself to the girl at all, but the girl is fascinated by the boy temperament and demeanor. This is marketing. The girl doesn't know the boy, but all her friends praise him. This is the brand.

4. Parking

A rich man borrowed $5,000 from a Wall Street bank for two weeks. He has to show the object of pledge for the bank loan. So he used his Rolls Royce parked at the door as collateral. The bank staff parked his Rolls Royce in the underground garage and lent the rich man $5000. Two weeks later, the rich man returned the money with $15 interest. The bank staff found that there were tens of millions of dollars in this rich man's account and asked why he had to borrow money. Rich man said, $15 for two-week parking, you will never find it on Wall Street.

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